About Symposium
In consultation with National and International stakeholders, this symposium will be focusing on the development of International standards on Animal Welfare, production, and One Health, developing capacity of Animal and Public health services and the Animal production to meet the future needs. We need a better understanding of the various gaps in knowledge, technologies and regulations that can affect the design of game-changing solutions, and their translation into concrete actions with a beneficial impact on all facets of Animal Welfare and One Health. Awareness will be raised around the issues and communicated with the Government and other stakeholders for implementation.
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Glimpse of 1st International Symposium on Animal Welfare and One Health

Prof. Dr. Mohammad Farooque Hassan, Vice Chancellor, SBBUVAS, Sakrand
Prof. Dr. Zahid Iqbal Rajput Dean(FVS)
Symposium Advisor
Prof. Dr. Abdulah G Arijo
Dr. Izhar Hyder Qazi
Conference Secretary
Dr. Hidayatullah Soomro